• Experience Studio 体验工作室

    Learning in experiencing! 在体验中学习!


    Experience Studios are immersive learning experiences that bring students outside the classroom and into the community. Every semester a number of studios are offered, on topics ranging from sustainable tourism to participatory design, offering students the opportunity to learn theoretical frameworks on experience design and apply them in practice.

    October 15, 2024
    *Please note the class start and end date: 1st 7-weeks : 02/03/2025 - 03/21/2025 2nd 7-weeks: 03...
    March 25, 2024
    *Please note the class start and end date: Summer Session One: 05/21/2024 - 06/28/2024 Summer...
    March 14, 2024
    *Please note the class start and end date: 1st 7-weeks : 9/2/2024 - 10/25/2024 2nd 7-weeks: 10/28...